Tag Archives: scrappy

January Chookshed Challenge #6

I joined the Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge, and the number of the month is 6, which, in my case was a Santa Door Draft kit that came from who knows where.

I gave my midmonth progress report where I shared what a miserable time I was having making this thing. I also shared that I was determined to finish.

And so I have.

Santa Door Draft

*Clicking on any of the photos will show a larger view.

Santa Door Draft

I am overjoyed to check this off the to-do list!

The door draft stopper has already been gifted! I am happy to report that Santa has a new home where he will be appreciated!

Here he is, showing off his little known specialty, the splits!

Santa Door Draft

What’s on the design wall?

Some of you will recognize the blocks on the left…they are from the Checkerboard Rails project. Maybe it will be next month’s project?


While I am waiting to see what the next challenge number will be, I have been busting my 1.5″ scrap strips and sewing them into blocks.

I have a plan. You will see.

I am linking up with other challenge participants at Dreamworthy Quilts.

Have fun and carry on!

365 Challenge Scrap Placemats

My first finished project of the year is two placemats made from the scraps of the 365 Challenge quilt.

365 Challenge Scrap Placemats

I know that I should have taken the time to center that cable quilting, but it is a placemat, not an award winning masterpiece. Do we really care?

All of the scraps are sorted and put away.

365 Challenge Scrap Placemats

The sewing machine is cleaned up.

The sewing studio is tidied up.

I feel pretty good about 2023!

Quilt On!

Traffic Jam Two – It’s A Flimsy!

It hasn’t been all about the day job and Bluprint class binge watching!

Traffic Jam

I have managed to get the borders sewn on my second version of Pat Sloan’s pattern Traffic Jam.

Traffic Jam

It feels good to be using up these scraps!

Previous Traffic Jam Posts:

Pat Sloan’s Pattern

Traffic Jam One Update

Traffic Jam One – It’s A Flimsy!

Traffic Jam Two Update

Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Quilt on!

Focus Update

I began the RSC18 Squared Away Sampler in March of 2018.

My last update was in November of this year, where I shared that I completed the quilting.

I tried a new-to-me technique, and finished the quilt with a flange binding.  (I used Susie’s Magic Binding method.)  I like the results, but I felt that my binding was too wide, so when I try this again, I will experiment with the measurements.

The days have been overcast, foggy, dark and short, so my picture taking isn’t very good, but it is enough for you to see my progress.

RSC18 Squared Away Sampler

I am so happy to put a UFO finish on my FOCUS list (I keep it updated for myself here)!

I have a thing or two to learn about loading the backing straight on a frame.  Ha, ha!

RSC18 Squared Away Sampler

RSC18 Squared Away Sampler

Close up of the flange binding:

RSC18 Squared Away Sampler

Close ups for the fun of it:

RSC18 Squared Away Sampler

RSC18 Squared Away Sampler

* To see all of the monthly posts for the RSC18 Squared Away Sampler, simply put RSC18, or Squared Away Sampler, in the Search box.

The Vintage Ornaments quilt has been pin basted!

Vintage Ornaments

I have no idea how I am going to quilt it, except that it will be with the domestic sewing machine, and I will begin by stitching in the ditch to stabilize the layers and remove some of those pins.

Vintage Ornaments

Vintage Ornaments

A few more bow tie blocks have been sewn, but no photo to show.

December will probably be too busy to do much more with my list of sewing goals (as I am sure it will be for you, too).  I have discovered, however, that a few minutes here, and a few minutes there, do eventually add up to a finished project.

Enjoy the season!

November OMG 2018

Before I state my quilting goal for this month, I would like to take the time to thank Patty, of Elm Street Quilts, for hosting One Monthly Goal.  She has kept me accountable and thus motivated me, to work on projects and achieve accomplishments all year long.  She is uncluttering my mind (and making room for other projects), stitch by stitch, project by project.

Thank you, Patty!

I am planning on devoting free time (It is holiday season after all…how much free time can there be when one works for the post office?) to turn my RSC18 Squared Away Sampler blocks into a flimsy.

Here are the blocks:

RSC18 October

And here they are on my ‘design floor’:

RSC18 November

I added one more block, a brown one, and am working on the sashing and cornerstones.

I can’t leave them here since I have a sweet chubby calico baby who finds it fun to roll around on them.

Hubby remembered that we bought a backdrop set up used for photography, and then promptly forgot that we had it.  Good grief! 

Click here to see what I am talking about…there are other systems but you get the idea.  It is nice when one doesn’t have any wall space.

So off to the fabric store to buy some flannel, and I will soon have a proper design wall to use.

I am linking up with Elm Street Quilts OMG (One Monthly Goal).  Click on the link and go see the other participants and get motivated to work on your projects!