A Stroll in the Garden

The Hubby grabbed his camera, and went out to the garden for a few photos to share.

Mama and baby quail are out and about (only one baby in this photo, but there are nine in her family).


*Clicking on a photo will give you a closer look!

Papa is ever vigilant!


This is a red breasted nuthatch. Nuthatches are tree climbers, and we have lots of them.

Red breasted Nuthatch

This nuthatch is climbing on the oak tree. He is coming down to drink from the water fountain on the deck.

Red breasted Nuthatch

I have spent some time canning peaches. I get a lot of satisfaction from this!

Home Canned Peaches

Meanwhile, back out in the garden, there are still some lovely blooms happening!

Pine Tree

Stay healthy.

Stay safe.

Keep smiling.

See the world around you!

13 responses to “A Stroll in the Garden

  1. I enjoy watching our nuthatches here, too. They are busy little birds!


  2. Those canned peaches are gorgeous. Good job and happy eating later on!


  3. Hi Laura!! I’ve never heard of a nuthatch but they are beauties. Red-breasted? I’ll have to look up photos of them on Google. You have such an excellent eye for photography. I’m so glad you enjoying doing it – it would be a shame to waste your talent. And canning peaches?!! YUM. This really makes me wish I lived closer to you. Happy Saturday!{{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne


  4. Love the bird pictures! Babies are cute no matter what they are.


  5. I love seeing your quail with that fancy feather head dress,we just had the bobwhite quail here. They have a lovely call and are cute but no fancy feathers.🙂 pretty blooms.


  6. Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting

    Your nuthatches look different from ours! So cute!!!


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