Free Motion Quilt Challenge – October

The October Free Motion Quilt Challenge at SewCalGal is a tutorial from the guest expert, Teri Lucas.  

Terri is very encouraging, and had us begin this month’s tutorial by drawing on paper.  She had us practice with our names and then add designs.


I chose Aurifil 50 weight thread and muslin to free motion quilt with.  This is because it is fall, and I didn’t want shiny materials.  I felt artsy and country bumpkin. 

This copyright free coloring page is my inspiration:

And this is what I came up with:

Thread sketching and free-motion quilting.  I need practice with blending/shading for sure!

Want to see the back?

I like it!

29 responses to “Free Motion Quilt Challenge – October

  1. Well done! I am very impressed. Love the background quilting too.


  2. Wow, this is so beautiful. What a wonderful treasure. Great job!



  3. Wow! This is fabulous! I don’t know which side I like better – probably because I raised blue pumpkins this year …
    You’ve done a spectacular job with this one!


  4. WOW! Looks great!


  5. Maggie Szafranski

    How totally awesome!


  6. From where I am sitting I can’t see the mis-matched threads … looks great!
    Judy B


  7. Let me rephrase that … I can’t see the mis-matched threads from either side!


  8. Beautiful Laura-real art from a challenge-bravo! Who cares about the bobbin thread:-))


  9. Pingback: MQX West Day 1 « Teri Lucas – TerifiCreations Blog

  10. Wow that looks amazing. So you use the same colour in the bobbin as you use on the front? I know a lot of people do, but I can’t seem to bring myself to because I want a uniform look on the back. Maybe I should try it, cuz your piece looks great! Isn’t the Challenge a lot of fun?!


    • Carol, I did not use the same color in the bobbin as the top. That is why the leaves are blue on the back, and green on the front. I have a habit of grabbing whatever color I have loaded on a bobbin. Therefore, in most cases, I need to loosen the top tension when I am free motion stitching.

      Yes, the challenge is both a challenge (Heh, heh!) and fun!


  11. Wow — did you mark the pumpkin design on your fabric, or quilt that completely freehand? It looks amazing, and I love both of your background fill patterns as well. Beautiful work!


  12. I am so impressed. I guess I will always send my quilts out to the longarm quilter. I’ve tried free motion and make such a mess. Do you use the glides, gloves and the whole shabang? Love what you do!


    • Thank you, Charlsey. I use machingers quilting gloves on large projects, but just my hands for small ones. Until recently, I wasn’t using any other fmq tools, but I am experimenting with the Supreme Slider. I haven’t made up my mind about it yet.


  13. Beautiful 🙂


  14. Fantástico, es precioso ¡que calabazas! Me gusta.


  15. Pingback: Free Motion Quilt Challenge Summary |

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